
ingang campus den haag met aangepast schild van universiteit Leiden.

Leiden University spies on their own students

Update: In an article in the Algemeen Dagblad, Leiden University admits to employing external security personnel in plain clothes and using students to spy on their own students. During a meeting on June 12, 2024, between various student organizations and the university itself, the university admitted to hiring an external agency that sends staff who...
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studenten met banner op de Leiden Universiteit

The Haagse Stadspartij stands in solidarity with the peaceful student demonstrations

The Haagse Stadspartij stands in solidarity with the peaceful student demonstrations across the country. They are following in a tradition of students advocating for peace, rights, and equality. The students are – rightly – passionate about severing ties with a state guilty of human rights violations, international law violations, and breaches of the laws of...
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The Hague & Partners/Jurjen Drenth - studenten aan en tafel buiten

Foreign students squeezed for money by university and housing corporation

  Recently, we have heard from foreign students (studying at Leiden University in The Hague) that after two years of campus housing, they are required to vacate their rooms, even if their studies last for 3 years. They are then left responsible for finding alternative housing in The Hague. Tim de Boer states, “Due to...
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Municipal Elections Manifesto Haagse Stadspartij

On Wednesday March 3rd, local Municipal Elections will take place in the Netherlands. Most EU citizens are eligible to vote as well as non-EU citizens with residence in The Netherlands for more than 5 years. The Haagse Stadspartij has published their Manifesto in English.   For those who prefer to read our Manifesto in English:...
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